lundi, août 20

Harlem - Great African Americans Mural at Dining Heritage

New York - Harlem - Great African Americans Mural at Dining Heritage
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Jesse Jackson, Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglass
(To view images from around the world click here)

11 commentaires:

Sylvia K a dit…

Great look at your world and a wonderful mural!! Thanks for sharing! Hope your week goes well!!

Unknown a dit…

Outstanding mural!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Snap a dit…

Great mural. Love the shot with the bicycle.

Dianne a dit…

This is a mural with a difference ... great to see a snippet of Harlem.

eileeninmd a dit…

Cool mural, thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

Anonyme a dit…

Excellent work. Very important. Please have a good Tuesday.

Fun60 a dit…

Loved the mural.

lorik a dit…

I like everything about it - it's message and it's art. The bicycle and the the other older mural peeking through is a great.

colleen a dit…

Love the composition, red, bike, faces and words.

Thérèse a dit…

Très bien ce poster qui nous rappelle certaines vies dont celle de Harriet Tubman... et bien mis en valeur.

Marleen a dit…

Great capture. Wonderful mural.