jeudi, septembre 29

Challenge Street : Coney Island


New York - Challenge Street - Coney Island

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The High Line

New York - Manhattan - The High Line

mercredi, septembre 28

mardi, septembre 27

New York Street : Subway

New York - Manhattan - New York Street - Subway
(To view images from around the world or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here)
( To view Night Shot from around the world please click here )

jeudi, septembre 22

Challenge Street : Bank of america


New York - Challenge Street : Bank of america

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mardi, septembre 20

The little lady and the American Flag

New York - Manhattan - Times Square - The little lady and the American Flag
(To view images from around the world or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here)
( To view Night Shot from around the world please click here )

lundi, septembre 19

Skyline - Metropolitan Life Insurance Building et new york life insurance building

New York - Manhattan - Skyline - Metropolitan Life Insurance Building et new york life insurance building
( To view monochromatic classics from around the world please click here )

vendredi, septembre 16

Challenge Street : Times square


New York - Manhattan - Times Square

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jeudi, septembre 15

Holga - New York - Times Square

New York - Manhattan - Holga - New York - Times Square

mercredi, septembre 14

Calendar New York 2012 - December

New York - Calendar New York 2012 (Calendrier New York 2012)
December (Decembre) Rink Bar Rockfeller Center

mardi, septembre 13

The Brooklyn Bridge

New York - Brooklyn - The Brooklyn Bridge
( To view Night Shot from around the world please click here )
(To view images from around the world or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here)

lundi, septembre 12

Steel Beam Cross - Moment of Silence For 9-11

New York - Manhatttan - Steel Beam Cross - Moment of Silence For 9-11
( To view monochromatic classics from around the world please click here )

dimanche, septembre 11

Liberty - Memorial 9-11

Walk In New York - Memorial 11 September - The liberty StreetPoème de miss Justyne Nayam : "LIBERTE". (Texte et traduction (Français-Anglais) de Justyne Nayam. Vous pouvez découvrir son univers sur sa page MySpace).


La seule liberté qu’on ait est celle d’avancer, de tracer
Une flèche sur la carte qu’on a redessinée.
Liberté de circuler, d’envies et de pensées.

Quel chemin ? Celui de notre instinct.
Pas de rétroviseur ni de bruit de moteur :
Silence, avance…sur le chemin de l’insouciance.

Aller, simplement, sans détours ni retour,
Vers l’inconnu, qu’il soit homme ou paysage.
Confiant, serein, s’initier au voyage.

En avant, jamais fuyant, liberté de se mouvoir,
De s’émouvoir. Après le doute, plus de déroute,
Etre guidé sans jamais renoncer à sa liberté.

We have an only one freedom : to move
On an arrow, redrawn on our own map.
Free movement of people, desires and thoughts.

What road? This one of our instinct.
No rear-view mirror nor of noise of engine:
Silence… Go on the road of a carefree life.

Simple ticket, free mind and no return,
Towards an unknown person or landscape.
Confident, serene, ready for the journey.

Still forward, never giving up, free to move
And to be touched. After the doubt, no more rout.
Be driven without renouncing to our freedom.
Following my 20 fingers collaboration with Miss Justyne Nayam . Today's text "The Libery". (Text and Translation (French-English) of Justyne Nayam). You can find his universe on the MySpace page).

vendredi, septembre 9

Challenge Street : Times square - Pedicab


New York - Challenge Street - Times square - Pedicab

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jeudi, septembre 8

Calendar New York 2012 - November

New York - Calendar New York 2012 (Calendrier New York 2012)
November (Novembre) - New York Subway

mercredi, septembre 7

Calendar New York 2012 - October

New York - Calendar New York 2012 (Calendrier New York 2012)
October (Octobre) The Empire State Building

mardi, septembre 6

Calendar New York 2012 - September

New York - Calendar New York 2012 (Calendrier New York 2012)
September (Septembre) - The Winter Garden
(To view images from around the world or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here)

dimanche, septembre 4

Un soir sur times square

New York - Manhattan - Un soir sur times square
( To view monochromatic classics from around the world please click here )
( To view Night Shot from around the world please click here )

jeudi, septembre 1

Challenge Street : Les Photographes


New York - Challenge Street : Les Photographes (Times Square)

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Calendar New York 2012 - August

New York - Calendar New York 2012 (Calendrier New York 2012)
August (Aout) Coney Island - The Wonder Wheel