New York Vintage - Lithographie de Currier & Yves
Currier and Ives était un atelier de gravure américain dirigé par Nathaniel Currier (1813–1888) et James Merritt Ives (1824–1895) qui se trouvait à New York. La société réalisa plus d'un million de gravures entre 1835 et 1907.
Currier and Ives - Brookyn Bridge - The great East River suspension bridge - connecting the cities of New York and Brooklyn, looking west - 1883 (c) Library of Congress
Currier and Ives - 1869 - Grand drive - Central Park, N.Y. (c) Library of Congress
City of New York - Showing the building of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States- No. 120 Broadway - Image published in 1883 by Currier and Ives (c) Library of Congress
Currier and Ives - 1875 -Broadway New York (c) Library of Congress
Currier and Ives - 1862 - Central Park - Winter - The skating pond (c) Library of Congress
Currier and Ives - View on the Harlem River - 1852. The High Bridge is in the distance. From nature and on stone (C) the New York Public Library Digital Collection
New York Vintage - Macy s Thanksgiving - 1950 (Daily News)
New York Vintage - Macy s Thanksgiving 1927
New York Vintage - Macy s Thanksgiving 1934 - Mickey Mouse
New York Vintage - Macy s Thanksgiving 1937 - Superman
New York - Manhattan - Central Park - Bethesda Upper Terrace to the Fountain - Wedding - Chorale
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New York - Brooklyn - Coney Island - day of fishing
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